App del giorno iOS: SelfieSafe gratis su App Store

App del giorno iOS: SelfieSafe gratis su App Store Eccoci come sempre ad un nuovo appuntamento con la nostra rubrica per le app in saldo. Si tratta infatti di app o giochi in offerta gratuita per iOS, iPhone ed iPad. Per poche ore, dunque, potrete scaricare gratis app o giochi altrimenti a pagamento. Oggi vi proponiamo in offerta gratuita SelfieSafe, che presenta le seguenti caratteristiche: SelfieSafe is your best friend and photo companion, SelfieSafe allows you to safely secure your selfies and of course those sneaky progress gym snaps! By using Selfie Safe you can easily store your ‘before and after’ shots without having to worry about them showing up in your camera roll. But SelfieSafe is more than that, it’s also a way for you to edit, crop and manipulate your selfies to your liking, share securely with friends and family, collect an entire gallery of photos and of course the most important feature, it has the ability to capture your selfies directly from within the app while maintaining the security of them.

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Pubblicato il: 15 Gennaio 2016

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